
Showing posts from May, 2005

Fix the Debugger

The VS.NET Debugger is a powerful weapon in the .Net Developer's aresenal Due to wrong settings or mis-configuration, the VS.NET Debugger may not work sometimes. The common error messages that arise and the way to resolve the issues are well documented in this MSDN article by Min Kwan Park .

Intellisense / Auto-complete for Javascript

The Antechinus JavaScript Editor supports DOM2, CSS, Intellisense/Auto-complete . Indispensable for doing the DOM

Anatomy of Project and Solution files in VS.Net

Visual Studio creates two separate files when you create a new Solution: .suo (solution user options) - stores user settings such as the location of your breakpoints. .sln file - stores information about the projects that make up this solution, source control settings, and other global settings that apply to all of the projects in the solution. Each Project creates a number of files to store information about itself. This includes a project file (.csproj or .vbproj) and a user settings file ([projectextension].user/ vbproj.user ). Project files in Visual Studio 2005 are completely different than the project files in Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003. The project files in Visual Studio 2005 are MSBuild XML files. MSBuild is the new build tool used in Visual Studio 2005 and is similar to NAnt in that is uses XML files to describe how the project should be built. More

What is browser chrome

Firefox supports " pluggable chromes ". XUL or XML User Interface Language (pronounced "zuul") is the language in which "UI descriptions " are built. Browser chrome refers to the borders of a Web browser window, which include the window frames, menus, toolbars and scroll bars. [ In order to design a page that does not require scrolling by the user, the browser chrome must be taken into consideration. For example, most Web pages are designed to fit a resolution 800 pixels across. Since the window frames and scroll bar take up approximately 40 pixels, the page is often sized to 760 pixels across or less.]

C# Programming Tools

The C# Team has put up a comprehensive list of C# Programming Tools , Classes and Libraries

Refactor mercilessly

The key tenet of Extreme Programming is constant refactoring When we remove redundancy, eliminate unused functionality, and rejuvenate obsolete designs we are refactoring. Refactoring throughout the entire project life cycle saves time and increases quality. Refactoring is a new feature in Visual Studio 2005.