Windows 8.1 PC almost upgrades itself to Windows 10..& its good!

On my desktop PC that originally had Vista, I upgraded it to Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. When the pre-release offer to upgrade Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 came up last year, I went for it thinking I would have the option to choose based on the features it had.

Little did I think that I would be nagged constantly to complete the upgrade. As I was low on hard disk space, I kept procrastinating. The nag turned into a threat last month & before I knew what I clicked, the upgrade already started. I let it do it's job before going to bed took. When I peeped several times in between, I would see this - 99% complete

"Your PC will restart several times"

I noticed that the upgrade hardly took up any hard disk space. After a fortnight of using it, I can definitely say Windows 10 feels faster than Windows 8.1 & way better!


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