GHMC "Grievance Redressal System"

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation in short (GHMC) is the administrative body responsible for the civic and infrastructural assets of Hyderabad, the capital and largest city in the State of Telangana, and Secunderabad. Hyderbad is spread across 650 square kilometres (250 sq mi) & has a population of over 7 million which makes it the sixth most populous urban agglomeration in India

Under the Government of India, Ministry of Urban Development's 'Swachh Survekshan 2017' campaign, a total of 500 towns and cities will be ranked and rewarded with awards for active implementation of the mission initiatives in a timely and innovative manner. GHMC has sent out text messages to citizens to "join hands in making our Hyderabad THE cleanest city". But is GHMC doing its bit?

GHMC offers a "Grievance Redressal System" through an easy to remember URL (as a domain name will cost public money) for citizens to log their complaints -

I have logged grievances through their archaic website but rarely have the issues been satisfactorily addressed.  From my experience, I've seen that the GHMC officers TRY to resolve by redirecting it among themselves to possibly meet some internal metrics, close it without fixing or don't even acknowledge the complaint. They have a call center that takes complaints over phone & records details through the same website. It is no wonder that citizens are highly dissatisfied. A whooping 64% or 14,0649 have a poor opinion of the "GHMC call center"
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When I attempted to post a complaint on a sanitation issue today, I noticed that the CAPTCHA or verification code doesn't work and as a result no complaints can be submitted through the online form. Just to make sure this wasn't temporary, I retried from multiple devices. I just hope this hasn't been done on purpose to show there are no complaints at all.
GHMC also offers Android & Windows Phone mobile apps to log complaints just as Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) & a host of other public utility agencies do. The real purpose of your smartphone will soon be not to make calls but to host all these gazillion apps that will track your private details.

I think India's sixth largest city deserves better from its civic administrative body.


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