What are the limitations of X Azure Service?

While Azure documentation has significantly improved over the last year, it is not easy to find limitations or scenarios that may not work. In my experience, it is good to not just know the typical usage scenarios of Azure services but also where they don't fit - the anti-patterns.

Microsoft seeks product feedback through the web-based UserVoice product feedback management tool for its various products including Azure

Users can upvote feedback ideas. It is possible to filter by the submitted top ideas. All of the feedback shared in these forums is monitored and reviewed by the Microsoft engineering teams responsible for building Azure. Suggestion and feature requests with most votes have a higher probability of being taken up for implementation by the product teams.

This crowd-sourced way of prioritizing product features can give a clue about the limitations of Azure Services. For instance, the second highest voted feature request now for Azure Site Recovery is to increase the size limit on replication of data disks from the current limit of 1TB as it limits usage of ASR for protecting large workloads. The comments from other users who are also interested in the topic sometimes have elaborate descriptions of usage scenarios where a particular Azure Service may not work.

Also see: My feedback/rant on Azure Documentation is heard


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