Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification
I passed the Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification Exam! I found the no cost Learning Path for the exam on Google Cloud Skills Boost very useful, especially the material on business transformation strategy.
It has 4 very well-written modules delivered via videos with transcripts:
1. Introduction to Digital Transformation with Google Cloud
2. Innovating with Data and Google Cloud
3. Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud
4. Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations
For a summary of the important Google Cloud services, I reviewed the illustrations in GCP Sketch Notes which are now also a part of the book Visualizing Google Cloud: 101 Illustrated References for Cloud Engineers and Architects
Some highlights from the Google Cloud Skills Boost modules that also come with great illustrations -
The Digital Transformation module introduces Google's six core tenets for transforming culture:
- Talent
- Environment
- Structure
- Strategy
- Empowerment
- Innovation
Google follows three rules to foster and scale a culture of innovation:
- Focus on the user or the customer
- Think 10x or generate big ideas
- Launch and iterate or continuous learning
Innovation is about doing something in a surprisingly new way, or discovering something entirely new that adds value.
10X thinking is about generating big ideas. It’s about transformation over improvement and using technology to achieve that transformation.
One great example of a 10x thinker was Henry Ford, an early innovator who brought the automobile to mass market in America. He said, "If you would ask people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.'' Imagine how long it would have taken for the world to experience motor vehicles if everyone thought to only improve what they already had.
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