Tips for Google Search Optimization

SSW has interesting guidelines on various software development activities including Rules to Better Google Rankings

Here are the paraphrased Tips for Google Search Optimization:

  1. Have at least 3 inbound links on your website and a good internal linking structure.
  2. Get all the great keywords in the first few paragraph's of every page so that spiders can't miss it.
  3. Use the META-Description & Meta-KEYWORDS tags. The keywords you use must be relevant and must appear in the body text.
  4. Trying starting with 3 to 5 'key' words from your Title. Where possible combine the words into logical phrases and we recommend using all lower case letters (and NO LEADING SPACES) when specifying keywords
  5. You can control the internal linking structure of your website which in turn effects the Page Rank distribution for all your individual pages.
  6. Google is case sensitive when it comes to URLs, it isn't when it comes to the keywords you put into the search box.Inbound links should always be consistent in case as Google is case sensitive and will display different results for upper and lower case URLs.
  7. Links that you receive should always have an appropriate description to the page it is linking to. Avoid using "More" and "Click Here" & use a description instead.
  8. Always add attributes like "alt" and "title" when using images
  9. Get links from websites that are similar to yours and of relatively high quality. Avoid the temptation of link farms
  10. Get listed with Data that DMOZ collects is used by hundreds of sites.
  11. Websites that use frames often don't get crawled by search engine spiders. Avoid using frames.
  12. Have a HTML option available with the same content as the Flash pages.
  13. Use include files for your JavaScript.
  14. Submit all your software that you want to share, to download sites.
  15. Its a good idea to keep your websites down to 101k in size. The Google cache never goes higher than 101k.
  16. Google is one of the few search engines that crawl dynamic/database driven websites. The best way to get your database driven website crawled by Google is to have an index of your dynamic pages so that the Googlebots have a singular point of reference to your dynamic pages.

Search engine optimisation is a process of crafting a site's content so that the site gets high rankings in the various search engines (both the site and individual pages), and includes tailoring on-page text (such as headlines and subtitles) as well as choosing the proper keywords for a page's meta tags.


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