rel="nofollow" - one non-standard HTML attribute value everyone agrees on

If you are keen about high search engine ratings for your web pages, it's important to be in the good books of search engines & know the best and worst sites to get links from.

The search algorithms of search engines analyze links to decide how they should be ranked. Comment spamming is one way of spamdexing by which link spammers manipulate the rankings of their website. They do this by injecting their links onto popular websites (which enjoy a good search engine ranking) like blogs through the feedback/comments/guestbook section.

Although such mischief cannot be countered without moderation, placing a rel="nofollow" attribute in the anchor tag can defeat the parasitic comment spammers spamdexing intentions. Google, Yahoo, MSN search engines respect this non-standard HTML attribute value & blog engines like Blogger, WordPress & MSN Spaces among others also support it.


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