HOW TO manage the ASP.NET ValidateRequest property in different cases

Request Validation is a useful feature in ASP.NET that prevents potentially unsafe input from being submitted to the server with the ValidateRequest property.

By default, request validation is enabled in Machine.config. If a user inputs text through an ASP.NET page that has the property ValidateRequest="True", an ugly error page will be thrown. A neat way of handling this error, as shared by Kirk Allen Evans, is to override the OnError Method of the Page class & show a friendly message instead of the regular "A potentially dangerous... " message that could scare a timid user.

protected override void OnError(EventArgs e)
System.Exception oops = Server.GetLastError();

if(oops.GetBaseException() is System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException )
//Insert a friendly message asking user not to enter anything like tags.
Response.StatusCode = 200;

If ValidateRequest has to be set to False, you can cautiously constrain input through client & server-side validation with carefully crafted regular expressions to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks OR filter user input to allow safe HTML elements such as bold and italic tags OR fearlessly accept the input & encode output using the Server.HtmlEncode method.


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