HOW TO improve the front-end performance of a website

Steve Souders, Chief Performance Yahoo! has shared his key learnings on improving front-end performance in the book High Performance Web Sites. These are based on his experience leading the Exceptional Performance group at Yahoo!. Excerpts from the book are available at Yahoo! Developer Network.

Here's a quick list of his very practical & useful recommendations:

  1. Make Fewer HTTP Requests
  2. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to reduce network hops
  3. Add an Expires Header to make page components cacheable
  4. Gzip page components
  5. Put Stylesheets at the Top
  6. Put Scripts at the Bottom
  7. Avoid CSS Expressions
  8. Make JavaScript and CSS External, especially those which are re-used across pages.
  9. Reduce DNS Lookups by using Keep-Alive and fewer domains
  10. Minify JavaScript with a Compressor.
  11. Avoid Redirects
  12. Remove Duplicate Scripts
  13. Reconfigure or remove ETags
  14. Make Ajax Cacheable
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