HOW TO merge two HTML tables with Javascript

While trying to reply to this unusual question on merging two HTML tables to generate a new table dynamically with Javascript, I ran into a nice tutorial on doing the DOM. The tutorial had simple code snippets with elaborate explanations that made it easy to extend them for my requirement with little effort. Check it out...

Short but useful examples stimulate learning & make it a joyful experience. In the past, I have particularly liked the well thought out examples in the fast-loading SQL Server 2000 BOL (Books Online) in CHM format. In recent times, I found the Virtual Earth map control software development kit (SDK) documentation (CHM file available for off-line viewing) and code examples very useful.

Over the years, I found these resources on Javascript invaluable -
Danny Goodman's JavaScript and Browser Objects Quick Reference
Martin Honnen's answers in various forums. He is a tireless Javascript champion and a Microsoft MVP.


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