Tina Seelig's Insights on Life, Leadership

Having got to know that Stanford University lectures are available through iTunes, I checked one last weekend in which the very accomplished Tina Seelig, Executive Director for the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, provides insights on life, leadership, and the little things that make a big difference in an entrepreneurial setting. In her talk, she lists 10 things she wish she knew when she was 20 -
  1. Every problem is an opportunity for a creative solution. Bigger the problem, bigger the opportunity.
  2. The harder you work, the luckier you get
  3. Find the intersection between your interests, your skills & the Market. Passions are not sufficient.
  4. Try lots of things, keep what works
  5. You don't have to wait to be anointed. Don't wait to be empowered.
  6. It's a small world, don't burn bridges
  7. You can do it all, but not at the same time. Know & regularly reassess your priorities.
  8. It's the little things that matter most
  9. When you are on a team, the key is making everyone else successful. The more you give, the more you get back.
  10. Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous
I noticed this talk is available not just at Stanford on iTunes U but also as a video & in mp3 format.

Also see:
Regina Brett's 45 life lessons
Leadership For Dummies Cheat Sheet


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