My 30-day personal project - watch 100 hours of Pluralsight videos

Inspired by Matt Cutts' 30-day challenges, I plan to watch 100 hours of Pluralsight online videos to get up-to-date with current & emerging Microsoft technologies. I find its faster to learn with videos than books. Moreover, videos are quicker to get detailed & structured info on emerging topics. Books are great as a reference but may not be suitable for emerging technologies. I hope to post my notes & reviews of the courses I finish.

Here's a tip about Pluralsight videos to jump back to the last topic that you were viewing. I've been watching the videos on & off since several weeks now & the path that I've had to take after logging in, is to go the Course Library & scroll down to the course and then drill down to the specific topic to continue that series. I recently discovered that you can save a few seconds by clicking on your name in the header (highlighted in the image below) & it'll show you the link to the topic you were viewing last.

To make this more obvious, Pluralsight could show this link directly on the home page after a user logs in.


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