What's common to Lucene & Hadoop

Lucene & Hadoop are both created by Doug Cutting and they are open-source.

Lucene is a text search engine API. It can be used by applications which requires full text indexing and searching capability. Lucene.Net is a port of Java Lucene written in C# and targeted at .NET Framework users.

Hadoop is a framework that enables the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity hardware.

Hadoop is a clone of Google’s MapReduce number-crunching platform.

Hadoop consists of a file system (HDFS) and a number-crunching platform (Hadoop MapReduce). The file system lets you spread data across a cluster of machines, and the MapReduce processes this data by sending little pieces of code to each individual server.

In 1998, Google was the 19th search engine to enter the market. Google’s implementation of MapReduce on GFS and [Google's distributed database] BigTable vaulted them to leadership within two years


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