Facebook Privacy Settings - important to review but generally ignored

A depiction of the Padmavyuha or 
Chakravyuha formation, from Wikipedia
Not understanding Facebook privacy settings before getting into it is like Abhimanyu landing into the Chakravyuh trap in the Mahabharata battle of Kurukshetra - it can lead to unsavory social consequences.

Like most teenagers of the previous generation who anxiously yearned to get a driving license when they turned 18, these days driven by peer pressure, teenagers eagerly look forward to turn 13 so that they can legally subscribe to Facebook.

The privacy settings are too many and in my opinion, purposely defined in a complicated way so that users don't bother with them and accept the default settings which are not in their best interest.

So for Facebook users, a little time spent reading about the Facebook Privacy Settings & implementing them can go a long way in protecting their online social reputation.

Also see: Don't let Chrome & Firefox remember your passwords on a shared computer


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