Default ASP.NET MVC 4 Solution created with Basic Template is 24MB!

While copying a basic ASP.NET MVC 4 project sample from a different machine, I noticed that the project created using the Internet Application template was a whooping 27MB in size.

The Packages folder takes up 27.4MB while the DLLs (47 of them compared to 29 in the MVC 3 project template) in the Bin folder were 5MB in size.

The default ASP.NET MVC 4 Solution created with Basic Template was 24MB (Packages folder - 18MB, Bin folder - 4.34MB)

Is there really a chance that anyone uses all of the DLLs?

I looked up what some of the non-Microsoft DLLs among the list of 47 DLLs do -
  • Antlr:  (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. 
  • DotNetOpenAuth:  Compiled library that adds support for your site visitors to login with their OpenIDs by just dropping an ASP.NET control onto your page.
  • Newtonsoft.Json: Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET 
  • WebGrease: suite of tools for optimizing javascript, css files and images. 
If you were looking at a ASP.NET MVC project and wanted to know if it was built using version 3 or 4, a quick way would probably be to look at the count of DLLs in the bin folder.


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