TWIL - Week #7

This Week I Learned:
  • Azure is also a business success with annual revenue topping $1 billion. That’s $1 billion with only a 20% share of a $6 billion dollar market.
  • 42% of the world’s top 1 million sites are hosted in the U.S. 97% of websites (in the Alexa top million) with a .kr ccTLD are hosted in South Korea. Google, Facebook, Amazon have millions of users in india, but no data centers in India
  • A typeface is the specific letter-form design of an alphabet. A font is a collection of all the characters of a typeface, including capital letters and lowercase letters, numerals and punctuation marks. The words font and typeface are often interchanged. Times New Roman was Microsoft's first font and the default in most MS programs till Calibiri replaced it. Matthew Carter created the Georgia and Verdana fonts for Microsoft.
  • Like the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), India has a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In, part of the Department of Electronics and Information Technology of GoI) too which has been in operation since January 2004. It is probing into the $45 million ATM heist in which hackers broke into two card processing companies, raising the balances and withdrawal limits on accounts that were then exploited in coordinated ATM withdrawals in 28 countries around the world. The heist involved a couple of Indian companies. The CERT-In website uses frames and has disabled right-clicking on its pages (both bad practices, in my opinion). According to Defacement Statistics on the CERT-In website, there were 3419 defacements from Jan,2013 to Apr,2013 
  • 146 Indian Members of Parliament have appointed relatives (family members include 60 sons and 36 wives) as their personal staff. Source: Times of India


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