Self-awareness software

A proponent of the Quantified Self movement and the co-founder of Foursquare, Naveen Selvadurai, has published a "personal API" consisting of his day-to-day personal details (related to his sleep, weight, steps, fuel/activity and checkins) as a step towards building self-awareness software. He calls it api.naveen. The data therein has been normalized from various sources: manual capture, nike fuelband, jawbone up, withings, fitbit, foursquare and various apps.

Image from the Human API website

The Quantified Self movement is based on the premise that by measuring and analyzing behavior, one can improve it. You’re less likely to splurge on french fries, say, if life is a game of improving your fitness and all the apps on your homescreen are keeping score.

This GigaOm article informs that there are projects like the Human API ("all human data streams in one open API") which help people find value in their personal data.


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