TWIL - Week #9

This Week I Learned:
  • JSDelivr is a CDN for developers and webmasters that hosts JavaScript libraries, jQuery plugins, fonts, CSS frameworks. JSter maintains a catalog of (over 1153) JavaScript libraries and tools for web development.
  • Microsoft is the first multinational company to make public cloud services available in China.
  • Opera 15 will use Blink rendering engine and V8 JavaScript engine.
  • One of the reasons for the delayed capture of the Boston Marathon bombers was that the databases contained a misspelling of the suspect’s name — “Tsarnayev” instead of Tsarnaev — and two incorrect dates of birth.
  • Wall Street Journal columnist, Walt Mossberg is considered the most influential technology critic in the world. He used to be a journalist covering national and international affairs but (in 1991) switched to consumer technology, a field where he had no educational or professional background,  while he was in his 40s.
  • With a population of 1.2 billion, India has one sixth the world's population. Bangalore is currently the third most populated city. The Comparisons section of a WolframAlpha search provides a better perspective of facts by making analogies. 


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