TWIL - Week #17

This Week I Learned:
  • The normal Web and Business Editions in SQL Database have a limit of 180 concurrent requests. Applications requiring more connections should use a Premium database (Premium Tier for Windows Azure SQL Databases is a new preview feature in the Azure July Update) with an appropriate reservation size to handle the maximum number of needed requests. The July update also introduces ability to perform recurring, fully automated, exports of a SQL Database to a Storage account in the form of a transactionally consistent .bacpac file. #Azure 
  • Coursera uses a "very JavaScript-heavy, JavaScript-dependent approach to our frontend architecture". "To keep our JavaScript sane, reusable, and modularized", they chose Backbone.JS MVC framework. 
  • You can use this statement in Chrome Developer Tools to view all URLs within a web page (Source: Labnol): urls = $$('a'); for (url in urls) console.log ( urls[url].href ); 
  • It is possible to use Visual Studio to deploy HTML/JS website to Linux / Apache 
  • Times New Roman font is very frugal with printer ink. Right Choice magazine tests show that they save enough to allow you to print 27% more page than with the popular font Arial. Verdana is one of the most ink-intensive.
  • If you have a 100 browser tabs open, your battery life will be about 1 hour shorter. 
  • The Bombay Blood Group is an extremely rare ABO group in which the basic protein called H antigen is missing in the red cells. The group is so named because it was discovered 50 years ago at KEM hospital in then Bombay. This group is incompatible with all A, B and O donors In India, not more than 70 people (29 in Mumbai) are eligible to donate this blood #science (Source: Times of India)


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