#TWIL - Week #41

This Week I Learned:

  • To make a YouTube video occupy the entire browser dimensions, modify the YouTube link from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxx or similar to http://www.youtube.com/v/xxxx
  • Amazon is larger than the next dozen largest e-tailers—COMBINED!
  • 77% of Fortune 500 organizations now have an official social team and presence, according to the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
  • The Target and Neiman Marcus data breaches happened despite the requirement that companies accepting credit and debit cards adhere to a Payment Card Industry standard for security known as PCI-DSS. Source - Wired
  • Google’s street view cameras have recorded hundreds of millions of panoramic images that together contain tens of millions of house numbers. The task of searching these images manually to spot and identify the numbers is not one anybody could approach with relish. So, naturally, Google has solved the problem by automating it...Their method turns out to rely on a neural network that contains 11 levels of neurons that they have trained to spot numbers in images. Source: Technology Review
  • Wolfram Alpha can help with building anagrams.
  •  "..success is a result of happiness, not the other way around
  • To find out of copyright books in digital format, try Archive.org or Google Books
  • When you have a lot of tabs open, you can know which one is playing music by looking for the speaker icon in the tab in Chrome versions 32 & above.
  • To view the data that Chrome has stored for the Omnibox, check chrome://chrome-urls/ 


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