HOW TO spot a fake video upload on YouTube using its API

Some clever YouTube users take advantage of the wisdom of the crowds who graciously give a video they have watched, a thumbs up or a thumbs down. You can identify a popular video for a specific keyword by googling with a search query like this:
"like 100..200" "dislike 0..2" Moog

Currently, this technique doesn't seem to work effectively due to a code change involving the count of Likes & Dislikes.

Finding out the count of people who dislike a video and the ratio of likes to dislikes for a particular video is simple if you use the YouTube API. The JSON feed of the YouTube search webservice exposes values for viewCount, likeCount, ratingCount which can help in gauging if a video is really what it claims through its title.

Some trolls disallow rating for the videos they upload so that viewers cannot rate it. That's another red flag to watch out for.


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