Why I like StatCounter more than Google Analytics

As a casual user of web analytics, I like StatCounter more than Google Analytics for the following reasons:
- When there is a lot of information, it is a challenge to present it in an accessible way. StatCounter does a way better job. It makes tracking analytics fun! I like their feature that lets me study the visitor's path through a site and the "Exit Link Activity" which helps me understand how visitors interact with my websites.
- StatCounter's infrastructure is pretty good & I've rarely seen the service being down in a decade of my use. The pages render quickly. The presentation of the logs and charts is impressive.
- StatCounter provides a easy to implement visitor counter that you stick on your site. I wonder why Google Analytics cannot directly provide one even now.
- StatCounter helps the developer community by sharing aggregated statistics consolidated from the analytics of its subscriber base.
- StatCounter has been around before the time I started this blog in 2004. Its staying power even when there have been bigger players is commendable. Their website has been friendly and intuitive all throughout while the UI of Google Analytics has undergone significant changes. Their analytics service is simple to configure and the features have progressively improved.

Also see: Comparison of free Web Analytics tools


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