reCAPTCHA MAY let you through even if you get part of it right

CAPTCHA or Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart, is a technique to stop bots from signing up for online accounts or automatically filling up forms. It works on the assumption that Humans can understand distorted text presented in a CAPTCHA image but not bots which may have a basic training in OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

A Stack Exchange forum user found out that he could get past the CAPTCHA barrier even though he didn't type the last character in the distorted text that is shown. Stack Exchange uses reCAPTCHA - Google's implementation of CAPTCHA.

I don't agree with Google when they claim "Our easy CAPTCHAs are a breeze for legitimate users."
Also see: Lazy-Developer-CAPTCHA Text Extractor Bookmarklet


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