YouTube API Quick Reference

The YouTube API has comprehensive documentation. I wish more API providers had such detailed docs. It is a pity though that many of the Google APIs have got deprecated or removed all together. I think we should still exploit them while they are there. I compiled the parameters for YouTube API v2 Search for quick reference.

Parameter Value
alt atom, rss, json, json-in-script, jsonc
author uploader
max-results default is 25, maximum value is 50
start-index first result is 1, needed for paging
caption true/false
duration short (<4 mins), medium (4-20 mins),large
orderby relevance, published, viewCount, rating
paid-content true/false
q spaces, quotes, punctuation in the parameter value must be URL-escaped; NOT (-) and OR (|) operators supported
restriction end user's IP address
safeSearch none, moderate, strict
time today (1 day), this_week (7 days), this_month (1 month) and all_time

This code sample on CodePen shows a practical use of the YouTube API. ZeroDollarMovies & TankTopTV are examples of websites which have made use of YouTube API.


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