This Week I Learned - Week #102

This Week I Learned:

Currently, there are over 70 PaaS vendors

OpenID Connect 1.0 is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. OpenID Connect performs many of the same tasks as OpenID 2.0, but does so in a way that is API-friendly, and usable by native and mobile applications.

There is a setting in the Azure Preview (Ibiza) Portal  that allows you to disable all animations to make the page run faster.

* MapmyIndia, a India-specific GPS navigation and location-based services provider, now offers REST-based APIs for a range of services

* Twitter now provides analytics for each tweet viewable only by the subscriber i.e I can see analytics for my own tweets.

* 93% of Fortune 1000 use Active Directory

Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts, the beloved American comic strip, was the very definition of a cartoonist who hated provocation....In the late 1960s and 70s Schulz had a squeaky clean image. He didn't drink. He taught Sunday school. His bestseller was “Happiness Is a Warm Puppy.” In the 1950s he tithed his salary to the Church of God. In the 1940s his mother told Sparky (that was his nickname) that his cartoons weren't “smutty” enough - The Atlantic

Celebrities have often sought confidentiality about their residences. But now, say those signing the N.D.A.s, the secrecy is sometimes sought by people who don’t necessarily have their own renown, but who work for well-known tech companies — Facebook, Google, Twitter. Some people requiring nondisclosure are the very ones who have built an industry on its opposite, the disclosure of personal information - NY Times

South Korea’s chaebol (massive family-controlled conglomerates) helped fueled an astounding 21-fold increase in per capita output. To put that growth in context, in 1965 the country was poorer than Bolivia and Mozambique—even North Korean per capita income was three times greater. Today, South Korea is richer than Saudi Arabia and generates nearly four times more output per person than China. During this miraculous economic ascent, chaebol policy was rarely questioned, and with good reason. South Korea’s top 10 family conglomerates have become some of the world’s most successful and admired brands—household names like Samsung, Hyundai, and LG—and account for roughly 80 percent of the country’s GDP. Without them, South Korea would look more like emerging Vietnam than developed Japan, the only other Asian country to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s club of “developed” economiesThe Atlantic

AC Nielsen ORG pegs Good Day as a Rs. 1,500-crore brand. It is estimated to have daily sales of 365 tonnes that go into 3.8 million packs. In sales terms, Good Day is the second largest biscuit brand in the country, next to Parle G (2012) - The Hindu Business Line

The Sun Temple in Konark took 12 years to build. Elephant labor & Iron were used.


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