This Week I Learned - Week #112

This Week I Learned -

This demo page shows how to use DuckDuckGo's APIs with jQuery

Xbox, Skype, Bing use Azure Blobs, Tables & QueuesMicrosoft consumer applications like MSN use DocumentDB in production

BGInfo is a free utility from SysInternals that allows you to create a configuration file that can include information such as host name, system information, and much more. It places this information in a configurable location and size on the desktop, including, optionally, as a wallpaper.

Banks across the world don't rate so well when it comes to implementing SSL

All sites on Azure Websites will get a "B" from SSL Labs

* Target, the giant retailer...collects all kinds of data on every shopper it can, including whether you’re married and have kids, which part of town you live in, how much money you earn, if you've moved recently, the websites you visit. And with that information, it tries to diagnose each consumer’s unique, individual habits...Target studies our habits to see if they can predict major life events. And the company is very, very successful. Oftentimes, they know what is going on in someone's life better than that person's parents -  Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit

Chennai-based Financial Software & Systems has deployed software to detect and inform about common incidents that may happen at an ATM: card reader malfunctions, stuck receipts, low cash reserves and high degree of power wastage. The automation is executed by a package developed in-house called Active Device Monitoring, which is a sensor network bunched with software that alerts a central location about glitches. Remote ATM-monitoring through sensors has avoided the task of sending technicians to fix glitches at ATMs...An ATM guzzles Rs 35,000 a month on an average on operational and maintenance expenditure, with the average cost per transaction, excluding the security guard's income...The company offers 8-10% reduction on operational costs with its IoT and software initiatives deployed over the last year - The Economic Times

* There are more mobile devices than there are people on the planet. There are now more than one billion Android users worldwide—a long way from when we launched the first Android phone back in 2008. And there are 4,000 unique Android devices on the market, from more than 400 manufacturers and over 500 carriers - Google Blog

* When you're using Data Saver, Google's servers reduce the amount of data that gets downloaded when you visit a webpage.

Data Sense shows a detailed breakdown of data usage on your Windows Phone and helps you avoid unexpected charges by indicating when you're nearing your data plan limit. It can also help by putting off data-intensive tasks until you're connected to Wi-Fi.

In much the same way that Kenyan runners have owned the Boston Marathon, Indian American kids ...have placed a stranglehold on the Scripps National Spelling Bee.  Indian Americans account for just under 1 percent of the U.S. population, but make up more than a fifth of the 285 spellers competing this week in the 88th edition of the bee. The difference for Indian American kids may be a commitment to pursue the spelling championship over many years.

India is a continent masquerading as a country.

* The Indian Railways employs 1.3m and runs 19,000 trains daily to carry 23m people and 3m tonnes of freight (down to 30%, compared with 65% in the 1970s). In 1990, China had less track than India, but since then China’s rail network has grown by well over half, to 112,000km, whereas India’s has remained much the same, at 65,000km. As a share of GDP, China invests three times as much in its railways as India does. Spending per person is 11 times higher. - The Economist

India has 110M desktop internet users, ~900M mobile users. Compare that to the entire population of US + Western Europe combined.. 330M+400M = 730M. With proliferation of cheap smartphones, this population will soon be on the internet. Think about this. There will be more people using internet in India, than we have number of internet users in the entire developed worldPeeyush Ranjan

In India, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men and breast cancer among women. Cancer is the second largest cause of death globally after cardiovascular disease


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