This Week I Learned - Week #113

This Week I Learned -

It is possible to play YouTube videos at custom speed by running this in a developer console while a web page with a YouTube video is open -
document.getElementsByClassName("video-stream html5-main-video")[0].playbackRate = 3

Yahoo will pull the plug off Yahoo Pipes. Yahoo Pipes was a precursor to services such as IFTTT. I hope YQL will live on for a long time.

YouTube was one of the original applications on the iPhone in 2007. Because it didn't support Flash, they re-encoded every single YouTube video into H.264 with the MP4 container. 

* Nilgiri Mountain Railways’ (NMR) toy train covers a distance of 46 km in 5 hours inching up its route between 1,069 and 7,228 ft - The Hindu

The most common language in Darjeeling is Nepali

* Indians are estimated to hold nearly 24000 tonnes of gold worth nearly Rs 63 lakh crore, equivalent to half the country's current GDP - Economic Times

In New York a CT pyelogram charge is 3,000, the same test in Maryland was less than 300.00...the average head CT scan in the US is $510.


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