This Week I Learned - Week #140

This Week I Learned -

* Each Azure region is paired with another region within the same geography (with the exception of Brazil South which is paired with a region outside its geography), together making a regional pair. Brazil South is unique because it is paired with a region outside of its own geography. Note that Brazil South’s secondary region is South Central US but South Central US’s secondary region is not Brazil South.

At this time G-Series VMs cannot be in the same Cloud Service as A-Series, D-Series or DS-Series VMs. These different VMs can be place into the same Virtual Network as long as it is a Regional Virtual Network .

While the platform-initiated reboot is disruptive, what can be even more time consuming is root causing whether the VM reboot is caused by the platform or one of their own services. If you navigate in the Portal to your Cloud Service where the VM is hosted, you can see a new quick link to “View Reboot Logs”. Please note that the only place to access these logs is through the Cloud Service dashboard.

Today, Azure offers 48-hour advanced notification for planned maintenance of virtual machines in the multi-instance configuration and 1-week advance alerts for single instance

IE's rendering engine, Trident, is nearly 20 years old.

FOMO - or, fear of missing out - has to do with the perception that other people are having interesting, fun, or exciting experiences and that you’re missing out. This might leave you feeling lonely, jealous, inadequate, or sad. The first step to overcoming FOMO might be to simply remember that people tend to only show their best self to others, especially on the internet. While other people’s lives might seem bright, shiny, and exciting from the outside, everyone has their own peaks and valleys; your experiences are just as valuable and unique as anyone else’s! These days, FOMO tends to be triggered when people are on social media overload - Go Ask Alice!


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