This Week I Learned - Week #150

This Week I Learned -

ASP.NET 5 will be renamed as ASP.NET Core 1.0

Flipkart is now the first Indian app across all genres including- communication, social, entertainment, to cross the 50 million install benchmark on Google Play Store.Globally, Facebook,Google and Whatsapp account for the highest downloaded apps.

There are over 1.50 lakh post offices across the country, of which 1.25 lakh are in rural areas

Mysuru continues to be the cleanest city in India. Hyderbad is ranked 19th

Great piece of science writing about the attempts to save the sole Siachen avalanche survivor, 25-year-old, Lance Naik Hanamanthappa Koppad -  "Lance Naik Hanamanthappa is believed to have been caught in an air pocket created by two large blocks of ice, keeping him alive. Around 7 p.m. on February 8, the rescue teams found him. In the throes of hypothermia, he had stripped down to his inner wear. “When the rescue teams found him, he was wearing nothing but his thermals. He was found in a sitting position,” says Lt. Gen. S.D. Duhan, Director and Commandant of the Army hospital. The condition is known as ‘paradoxical undressing’ and is common in extreme cases of hypothermia — a condition when the core body temperature drops to 35°C or lower. The body, in a last-ditch attempt to shut down heat loss, induces vasoconstriction, a contraction of blood vessels. This contraction increases the volume of blood brought to the skin’s surface, making the victim feel like their skin is burning up — think about how drinking alcohol makes you feel warm, when it is actually reducing your body’s core temperature."


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