This Week I Learned - Week #200

This Week I Learned -

* The development environment of the Azure Service Fabric SDK is identical to the production environment with no emulators involved.

* With Word Lens feature in Google Translate app, you just need to fire up the Translate app, point your camera at Japanese text, and the English translations will appear overlaid on your screen—even if you don't have an Internet or data connection. The app can translate 52 languages when you have no Internet.

* It is good to hear if "there is an API for that" rather than an App for that. Native Apps are hard to maintain

* Under NIXI, the INRegistry functions as an autonomous body with primary responsibility for maintaining the .IN ccTLD and ensuring its operational stability, reliability, and security. INRegistry has assumed responsibility for the registry from the previous registry authority, The National Centre for Software Technology (NCST) and its Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC). National Informatics Centre (NIC) is the registrar for domains, ERNET is the registrar for and domains, and the Ministry of Defence is the registrar for domains. INRegistry does not carry out registrations itself. Instead, it accredits registrars through an open process of selection on the basis of transparent eligibility criteria.

* In 1998, the British journalist and writer Simon Winchester published a book called The Surgeon of Crowthorne, about the life and works of Dr WC Minor (1834-1920), a former US army surgeon who became one of the most prolific contributors to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) in the 19th century, while being locked up in a lunatic asylum for murder - Businessline

* According to 2010 data, of approximately 850,000 doctors providing direct patient care in the U.S. Approximately one in four practicing physicians in the U.S. completed medical school abroad.

* Walruses have up to 700 hundred whiskers that can grow up to about a foot (12 inches) in length each.

* Mani Ratnam is the screen name of Gopala Ratnam Subramaniam

Gary Larson retired the strip "The Far Side" on January 1, 1995 as thought the series was getting repetitive and did not want to enter what he called the "Graveyard of Mediocre Cartoons.". One Far Side fan analyzed the cartoons in The Far Side Gallery 2 for themes covered in the cartoons and came up with this chart -


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