Cloud compatible tools, products & platforms

Inspired by Greg Wilson's Google Cloud Product in 4 words compilation, I plan to maintain a list of software tools, products & platforms with a short description of what they do.

Item name Description Publisher
ActiveMQ Open Source message broker in Java.
Apache Solr Reliable Open Source enterprise search platform.
Canvas LMS Open Source learning management system.
CouchDB Easy-to-use Open Source database system.
Discourse High-resolution Open Source discussion platform.
Django High-level Python Web framework.
DokuWiki Versatile open source wiki software.
Drupal Popular, easy-to-use content management platform.
Elasticsearch Flexible and powerful open source analytics engine.
ELK Big data suite consisting of Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Logstash.
GitLab Community Edition Fast, secure Git management software.
Hadoop Framework for reliable, scalable, and distributed computing.
Jenkins Integration server supporting SCM tools: CVS, Subversion, and Git.
Joomla! User-friendly CMS for easy website builds.
Kafka Powerful distributed publish-subscribe messaging system.
LAMP Fully integrated and ready to run development environment.
LimeSurvey Question-and-answer poll management system.
Magento Popular eCommerce software and platform.
Mantis Advanced bug-tracking system.
Mautic Open Source, enterprise marketing automation platform.
MEAN Popular development environment for mongoDB and Node.js.
MediaWiki Extremely powerful, scalable wiki implementation.
Memcached High-performance, distributed memory object caching system.
MongoDB High-performance Open Source NoSQL database written in C++.
Moodle Effective CMS designed for online learning communities.
Multicraft Minecraft server hosting solution and control panel.
MySQL The most popular database system. Oracle
Nginx A complete PHP, MySQL, and Nginx development environment.
ownCloud Popular open source file sync and share solution.
Piwik Real-time web analytics software program.
RabbitMQ Efficient messaging broker offering a common platform.
Redis Powerful Open Source key-value store.
Redmine Powerful project management web app
Redmine+Agile Project management application preconfigured with Agile plugin.
Ruby Easy-to-use development environment for Ruby on Rails.
SugarCRM Flexible customer relationship management solution.
SuiteCRM Popular Enterprise-grade CRM application.
Tomcat Popular platform implementing specifications from Java Community.
WildFly Application Server that includes Apache, WildFly, MySQL, and Java.
WordPress The most popular and ready-to-go CMS.
Debian 8 "Jessie" with backports kernel Debian GNU/Linux is one of the most popular Linux distributions.
LoadMaster Load Balancer ADC Content Switch Layer 4-7 Application Delivery Controller (ADC) Load Balancer, Content Switch, and Traffic Manager.
CentOS Distribution of Linux

References -
Azure marketplace items available for Azure Stack


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