This Week I Learned - Week #222

This Week I Learned -

Think of Azure Stack as an appliance, a black box that is locked down.  There is no RDP or PowerShell access to the underlying VMs that make Azure Stack function.

Public IP addresses are region specific and cannot be moved between Azure regions. Likewise you cannot bring your own Public IP addresses to Azure.

* Facetagr app has created a data bank of 3 lakh missing kids. In case families don't have photos, a picture of a sibling can also help track a child - Times of India

* In recent years, America’s cyberwarriors have blown up nuclear centrifuges in Iran and sabotaged North Korea’s missile launches, with mixed results.  Locking Islamic State propaganda specialists out of their accounts — or using the coordinates of their phones and computers to target them for a drone attack — is now standard operating procedure - NY Times

* ...according to Wired, "Apple retained complete control over the design, manufacturing, and marketing of the iPhone", meaning that it and not the carrier would control the software updates, and by extension security patches. By contrast, Google has allowed carriers and OEMs to dictate the "pace of upgrades and pre-load phones with their own software on top of Android". As a result, many Android OEMs often lag months behind Google's release of the next iteration of Android; although Nexus and Pixel devices are guaranteed 2 years of operating system updates and a third addition year for security. However, Apple has supported older iterations of iPhones for over 4 years - Wikipedia

* The People's Republic of China has consistently claimed sovereignty over Taiwan, officially the Republic of China (ROC), and asserted the ROC is no longer in legitimate existence. The political and legal statuses of Taiwan are contentious issues. The People's Republic of China (PRC) claims that the Republic of China government is illegitimate, referring to it as the "Taiwan Authority". The ROC, however, with its own constitution, independently elected president and armed forces, continues to view itself as the sole representative of China. The territory being controlled by the state has never been controlled by the PRC. Internationally, there is controversy on whether the ROC still exists as a state or a defunct state per international law due to the lack of wide diplomatic recognition - Wikipedia

* It has taken 123, 33, 14, 13, 12, 13 years respectively for the world population to reach second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth & seventh billion mark

* India now has 180 million Muslims.

* Indian public sector banks control around 60% of the banking sector

Electrolytes are minerals that can be dissolved in bodily fluids, including the blood stream. Common ones include sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium. Essentially, electrolytes help maintain the body's fluid levels. Additionally, they help with muscle function and pH (acid-base) balance in the body.  If a person loses large amounts of fluids quickly, electrolytes may become unbalanced. This imbalance may occur because of vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, serious burns, or wounds. In these cases, both water and electrolytes need to be replaced. Life-threatening conditions may result if the imbalance is severe - Go Ask Alice!

* On an average, the Friends of Snakes Society in Hyderabad gets 100 distress calls every day during July & August. Hatching season & availability of prey like frogs are reasons for more number of snakes being spotted during monsoon.

* Amazon has allocated about Rs 1000 crore for its Prime Video content business in India.

* Back in the India of 1950's commoners used to buy bread when they were sick

* India imports about 80% of its crude oil needs.

* Indulgence was a term used for a Catholic church doctrine that allowed communicants to purchase advance forgiveness for the commission of acts which would normally be counted as sins

Good online reference works on English

* "When you know better you do better" - Maya Angelou


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