This Week I Learned - Week #229

This Week I Learned -

In Azure App Service, Web Apps, API Apps, and WebJobs can be remotely profiled.

Azure Load Balancer has a default idle timeout setting of four minutes or 240 seconds.

* Amazon got its start in a Bellevue garage in 1994, and it first grew without much of a plan..until 2005. Amazon so dominates Seattle that it has as much office space as the city’s next 40 biggest employers combined. Amazon now occupies a mind-boggling 19 percent of all prime office space in the city. In most big cities, the top employer has less than 5 percent of local office space. Amazon employs about 40,000 employees in Seattle, up from 5,000 in 2010. Apartment rents this year are 63 percent higher than in 2010, as Seattle has become the fastest-growing city in the country. Seattle now also has the nation’s third-highest concentration of mega-commuters — people traveling at least 90 minutes each way to work. - Seattle Times

* ‘Mercurochrome’ (mercury organohalide) once considered a remedy for bruises, has been found to have no antiseptic effect, and that the mercury in it is actually toxic. Mercury has been declared an environmental toxin, which is not degraded even when disposed of. India has now decided to phase out mercury manometers (BP apparatus) and mercury thermometers - The Hindu

* China blends psychological warfare (“psywar”), media warfare and the manipulation of legal arguments (“lawfare”) to undermine the opponent’s information-control capabilities and to buttress its strategic game plan. Disinformation and deceit are among the tools China is employing in its psywar to tame India without military combat, in Sun Tzu organizations, backed by an annual $10 billion budget from the state, have become integral to China’s global propaganda offensive. The crisis was triggered in mid-June after days of growing local military tensions when People’s Liberation Army troops sought to unilaterally change the territorial status quo by beginning work on a strategic highway through Bhutan’s Doklam Plateau, which is located very close to the Tibet-Bhutan-Sikkim trijunction. Bhutan, with just 8,000 men in its military, police and militia, has no means to resist Chinese encroachments. Its security partner, India, was earlier loath to go beyond training and advising Bhutanese forces. But with China’s latest land grab also threatening Indian security, New Delhi decided that Bhutan’s fight was India’s fight. Beijing signs agreements and treaties but does not comply with them - Japan Times


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