Public Cloud Map - November 2017

Update: I now have a more improved version of the map that I revise at intervals

Having discovered how easy it's to build a custom map with Google Sheets & Google Maps, I revised an earlier map to better show a consolidated map of the approximate data center locations of the three big public cloud service providers - Azure, AWS, GCP
click on images for enlarged view
The map can answer visually questions like - "The current data center whose workloads are planned to be migrated to the public cloud is in Hamburg, Germany. What are closest cloud data centers I can choose?"
The map's search function shows that Amsterdam, Madgeburg & Frankfurt are the closest Azure regions

The locations shown are not exact. The official documentation of the top 3 cloud providers names the cities in which the data-centers are located. However in a few cases, the location is broadly specified with just the state, country or geographic region name. 

In case of AWS, location of AWS GovCloud (US-East) is not known while an upcoming Google Cloud Platform region is just revealed as Netherlands without specifying the name of the place. In the list of Azure regions, the location is specified as just "West Central US" and "West US 2", so they are not shown on the map

As of November 2017, there are currently 80 data centers of Azure, AWS, GCP combined. 


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