This Week I Learned - Week #265

This Week I Learned -

Azure Container Instances (ACI) is a serverless way to run both Linux and Windows containers, and is now generally available.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union order to protect personally identifiable information (personal data that can identify a person). It’s a big update to the older data protection laws, which were out of date and inconsistent. Any personal data that identifies a European Union citizen is covered – no matter where that data is. The fines for non-compliance are huge, up to €20 million or 4 percent of a company’s global revenue, whichever is higher. GDPR will become effective on May 25th for all companies all over the world that hold data on EU citizens. GDPR is now the new Y2K, an opportunity to make a fortune by being “an expert”. The security requirements are a bit vague. It’s full of “do the right thing”, which you can take to be more than just have a firewall and some malware scanning! Data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and so on are important -

"That was back in a time when Microsoft released a new edition every 3-7 years. Welcome to the cloud era when the entirety of Microsoft is planning, architecting, developing, and releasing in 6-month sprints. This week (a slow week), I have 43 Azure-focused announcements in my RSS reader to get through."

In Myanmar, Facebook is the dominant internet site because of its Free Basics program, which lets mobile-phone users connect to a few selected internet sites, including Facebook, without paying extra fees or using up allotted data in their mobile plans.

From 13 ways Google is using AI in its products - Take a photo in Portrait Mode on Pixel 2, and it’ll perfectly blur the background of the photo. This system has been trained on almost a million portraits to learn how to pick out the subject of the photo and blur the background.

Global Entry is a Customs and Border Protection program that allows US citizens to go through an expedited process upon returning from an international trip.


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