Options for Hosting Containers in Azure

Info here is compiled & paraphrased from various sources that are hyperlinked. Please refer back to the official sources for the latest information as this topic is constantly evolving
Image from the Azure Developer Guide

Containers are a relatively new kind of virtualization called operating system virtualization. Machine virtualization takes a single machine and simulates lots of machines. Containers take a single operating system installation (physical or virtual machine) and simulate lots of operating system installations.

Containers offer near-instant deployment and are a great way of moving legacy code into a DevOps lifecycle.

Deployment times are shortened, maintenance is easier, and scale-out/in is possible in seconds

Containers in Azure:

Azure Service Features
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Container Instances
  • Easily run containers on Azure with a single command
  • Serverless way of doing containers. Azure manages the host VMs
  • No dedicated instances
  • SLA - 99.9%
  • Suitable architecture styles - Microservices, task automation, batch jobs
  • ACI is not intended to be an orchestrator. However, you can combine the elastic scale of ACI with the orchestration capability of Kubernetes by using the ACI Connector for Kubernetes
  • Per-second billing model. Cost effective for occasionally running workloads (will cost more for continuously running workloads)
Azure Container Registry
Azure Service Fabric
  • Develop microservices and orchestrate containers on Windows or Linux
  • Windows and Linux containers can use Service Fabric but it is best suited to Windows. Besides containers, it can also host services, guest executables 
  • Auto-scaling through VM Scale Sets
  • Service Fabric is a free service, therefore, it does not have a financially backed SLA itself. The availability of your Service Fabric cluster is based on the SLA of the underlying virtual machines and storage resources used.
  • Suitable architecture styles - Microservices, Event-driven architecture

Azure App Service
Azure Batch

Image Source: official Azure documentation; click to view enlarged image
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