Default options used by Azure Services or their features

Azure automatically sets some values for Services or their features -

* Default VM disk type is SSD disk

* By default, the OS disk has read/write caching applied. This type of caching typically isn’t ideal for application workloads that write log files or databases, for example. Data disks, by contrast, have a default cache policy of none. This is a good policy for workloads that perform a lot of writes.

* Managed disks are also automatically encrypted at rest

* Azure Linux VM uses SSH keys as the default authentication type

* By default, Azure creates and assigns a public IP address for you

* By default, VMs created in the portal are locked down and secured from the internet. Access to the virtual machine is restricted to sources in the same virtual network, and traffic from Azure load balancing solutions.

* Network Security Groups lock down traffic by default and only allow the specific traffic that you define.

* Default NSG security rules (AllowVnetInBound, AllowAzureLoadBalancerInBound, DenyAllInBound) are created that permit internal virtual network or load-balancer traffic but deny all other traffic.

* By default, a standard public IP address or load balancer is automatically zone redundant

* In Azure, default quotas on your subscription prevent you from accidentally deploying a bunch of resources and forgetting about them

* By default, the Load Balancer health probe checks the status every 15 seconds.

* By default, the health probe tolerates two consecutive failures before the VM is removed the load-balancer traffic distribution.

* By default, boot diagnostics are enabled when you create a VM in the Azure portal.

* The Azure portal defaults to a /24 address. This subnet mask is often used in a short form that specifies how big that range is, such as /24.

* By default, Azure Backup makes a daily backup & uses Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).

Azure Backup uses Geo-redundant storage (GRS) by default.

* When you sign up for a free Azure trial account, a default AAD instance is created for you.

* By default, AzCopy copies data between two storage endpoints asynchronously.


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