This Week I Learned - Week #15 2019

This Week I Learned -

Both Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Database Managed Instance have T-SQL differences when compared with SQL Server

For better HA...deploy the application in more than one region, and use Azure Traffic Manager to fail over if the application fails in one region. For a multi-region deployment, the composite SLA is calculated as follows. Let N be the composite SLA for the application deployed in one region, and R be the number of regions where the application is deployed. The expected chance that the application will fail in all regions at the same time is ((1 − N) ^ R). For example, if the single-region SLA is 99.95%,
The combined SLA for two regions = (1 − (1 − 0.9995) ^ 2) = 99.999975%
The combined SLA for four regions = (1 − (1 − 0.9995) ^ 4) = 99.999999%
You must also factor in the SLA for Traffic Manager. At the time of this writing, the SLA for Traffic Manager SLA is 99.99%. Also, failing over is not instantaneous in active-passive configurations, which can result in some downtime during a failover.

To migrate SSIS (SQL Server Integration Service) from on-premises server, consider deploying SSIS on VMs or make use of Azure Data Factory to load or migrate data and similarly for SSRS, deploy SSRS on VMs or use power BI for creating reports

Ways to migrate your databases from SQL Server to Managed Instance:
1. Native restore functionality that enables you to create a backup of your database, upload it to an Azure blob storage and RESTORE database from the blob storage. This is probably the faster approach for migration, but requires downtime because your database cannot be used until you restore it on Managed Instance.
2. Data Migration service is a service that can migrate your database with minimal downtime.
3. Exporting and importing your database as .bacpac file , or using bcp too - but there is no big advantage of these methods compared to RESTORE/DMS, except if .bacpac is integrated in your DevOps pipeline.

* Amazon built its own database engine, Amazon Aurora, a fully-managed MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible service with the same or better durability and availability as the commercial engines, but at one-tenth of the cost.

* Development of the Fire phone (a failure) and Echo was started around the same time. After many years of development, Echo debuted in 2014, powered by Alexa, who lives in the AWS cloud.

* Independent sellers sell better on Amazon than on eBay

* USB On-The-Go (OTG) is a standardized specification that allows a device to read data from a USB device without requiring a PC. The device basically becomes a USB host, which isn’t an ability every gadget has. Not every Android device supports USB OTG; it’s something the manufacturer has to enable

A Samsung Galaxy device can be connected to a TV via USB

* The constant search for happiness can make us unhappy - People obsessed with happiness often feel like they don’t have enough time in the day, and this paradoxically makes them feel unhappy. The findings are most relevant to the millennials, the generation that has managed to overwork itself into burning out, thereby inventing the phrase, “quarter life crisis". To avoid this, the first step is to stop trying to be happy all the time. There are four pillars of meaning—belonging, purpose, transcendence and storytelling (the story we tell ourselves). Employers are vital for the first pillar—belonging. They can create contexts for millennials to work with and add value to different communities or teams within the company. Cross-functional projects where senior management has skin in the game can be catalysts in increasing the sense of belonging. For pillars two, three and four, the onus lies on millennials. It all begins by realizing that true meaning isn’t found in success and glamour but in the mundane too. The meaning in a job cannot be a function of external validation. To a very large extent, it is the story we tell ourselves and the value we ascribe to our seemingly unglamorous tasks—the ones that don’t make for great social media headlines but are critical for overall organizational goals.

Crohn’s disease, a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that doesn’t have a cure. It fools the immune system into attacking the digestive system

* Mukesh Ambani, 61, has already spent about $36 billion on Jio, which has rolled out a nationwide 4G network and fibre broadband infrastructure, causing some established rivals to pull back - Business Standard

* Excerpts from Patrick French's India, A Portrait -
- One half of the people in the world who live in a democracy live in India.

- Khasis (a tribe in Meghalaya) believe in one supreme god, who is formless, or rather whose form man cannot even begin to imagine, for that is forbidden. A Khasi does not believe in idol worship, since he must not conceive the appearance of god. True worship takes place in one's heart, or at one's family's hearth. Because of this, the Khasi religion remains largely unorganized, and it is completely lacking in missionary tendencies. This is because a Khasi believes his god is also the god of the Hindu, the Muslim, the Christian, and of all other people. His motto is, therefore, 'Ieit la ka jong, burom ia kiwei'-'Love one's own, and respect others.' The Khasi universe is two-tier-heaven and earth-and there is no room for hell.

* "Just as it is impossible to know when a fish swimming in water is drinking water, so it is impossible to find out when a government servant is stealing money." - Kautilya's Arthashastra (a 2000 year old work on economics and administration)


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