Single & Double hyphen flags in Azure CLI, other shells

In the following Azure CLI command, what is the significance of the single & double dashes?
az storage account create -n <storage account name> -g first-serverless-app --kind StorageV2 -l westcentralus --https-only true --sku Standard_LRS

Here's a well explained answer from ServerFault:
A single hyphen can be followed by multiple single-character flags. A double hyphen prefixes a single, multicharacter option.

Consider this example:

tar -czf

In this example, -czf specifies three single-character flags: c, z, and f.

Now consider another example:

tar --exclude

In this case, --exclude specifies a single, multicharacter option named exclude. The double hyphen disambiguates the command-line argument, ensuring that tar interprets it as exclude rather than a combination of e, x, c, l, u, d, and e.


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