Five things that you didn't know Python can do - short version

The Five Things series on MSDN Channel 9 anchored mostly by Burke Hollands has informal answers by Microsoft experts to interesting questions all in about 5 minutes along with some no holds barred, light banter.

Here is the short version of Five Things You Didn't Know Python Could Do from the cleaned up subtitles file:

#1. Python empowers scientists. Scientists use a ton of available AI and ML tools in Python. There's SciPy, Pandas, Pytorch, lots of other things and then on Azure you can use hosted Jupiter Notebooks. They're called Azure notebooks

#2. Python is used to create a lot of video games and art. The most famous example here is Eve Online. It's a massive multiplayer game

#3. You could do home automation with Python. There is a Python package called Home Assistant and it's a really popular home automation Library and you can use that to make a home automation system that focuses on security and privacy first. You can run it on a Raspberry Pi at home. It's all contained inside the walls of your house. You can connect your IoT vacuum cleaner, and your IoT light bulbs, and your IoT rice cooker.

#4. Python scales and how do we know that? Instagram, it runs Django which is that Python web framework and Instagram has one billion users.  Reddit and Quora are both Python-based. Dropbox is also Python-based. Guido van Rossum, Python's creator has worked there for a few years now

#5. You can run Python on hardware. There are two subsets of Python called micro Python and circuit Python. BBC gave away some thing called a microbic that runs micro Python to every child of a certain age in the UK. The fun thing about Adafruit Circuit Playground Express is if you don't know Python and maybe you don't know how to program, there's something out there called Microsoft MakeCode.

Why is the language called Python? When he began implementing Python, Guido van Rossum was also reading the published scripts from “Monty Python's Flying Circus”, a BBC comedy series from the 1970s. Van Rossum thought he needed a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious, so he decided to call the language Python.


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