This Week I Learned - Week #32 2019

This Week I Learned -

* Generation 2 VMs use the new UEFI-based boot architecture rather than the BIOS-based architecture used by generation 1 VMs. Compared to generation 1 VMs, generation 2 VMs might have improved boot and installation times. Generation 2 VMs do not yet support some Azure platform features, including VM backup, Azure Site Recovery, or Azure Disk Encryption. Generation 2 VMs support only VHD, not VHDX.  You can't change the generation of a VM after you create it.

* If location data collection is turned on, your phone will send bits of anonymous data to Google. This shows your location and helps us pinpoint traffic jams. Maps uses this information to give you the best route and estimate travel times. Travel times, among other sources, are made by using location data from the past and present. It is possible to report wrong directions in Google Maps

On the social media platform Twitter, a ratio, or getting ratioed, is when replies to a tweet vastly outnumber likes or retweets. This means people are objecting to the tweet and considering its content bad. It’s widely considered that if you have a ratio of 2:1 for replies to retweets, you’ve done something wrong. So if your ratio gets higher than that, you know you’re in trouble. The definition has also expanded to refer to the ratio of the number of people a user follows based on how many people follow them—a sign of internet popularity as well (or lack thereof). 

Always ask for requirements as stories. Always narrate requirements as stories.

Many successful businesses in history have relied on comics or comic characters to promote their products.

* Scott Adams is the man behind "Dilbert", the widely syndicated comic strip  about the indignities of office life, which he has been creating for more than 30 years. Even as his comic strip took off, he chose to keep a $70,000-a-year job as an applications engineer at Pacific Bell. He later ventured into restaurants and a food company, neither of which was particularly successful. The Dilberito, a vitamin-packed meatless burrito, never quite took off. More recently, he created WhenHub, a venture that aims to connect journalists, investors and others to experts. He is an admirer of President Trump, and he admits to borrowing some of the president’s style. According to him, one of the things that you can learn from Trump’s approach is that energy is more important than being technically correct. His appreciation for Mr. Trump is about communication methods, a fact he highlights in his book about the art of persuasion - “Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter.” The book explores Mr. Trump’s unconventional candidacy - NY Times

* In the movie Avatar (a Sanskrit word meaning incarnation or embodiment), Avatars are controlled either by telepresence or by mind upload from the scientists into the avatar body, then mind download back to preserve memories. In modern internet usage, the term avatar refers to a small image that appears near a message author's name/handle (ID, nick, gamertag or such). Like the handle, the image appears beside all messages (posts, articles, columns, tweets etc.) the person submits to a system, acting as a representation of the person, much as the hybrid alien bodies are representations of the humans using them.

Konnakol (also spelled Konokol, Konakkol) or Indian Scat singing is the art of performing percussion syllables vocally in South Indian Carnatic music. Scat singing is improvised jazz singing in which the voice is used in imitation of an instrument.

* The GI or Geographical Indication tag ensures that none other than those registered as authorised users (or at least those residing inside the geographic territory) are allowed to use the popular product name. Darjeeling tea became the first GI tagged product in India


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