This Week I Learned - Week #37 2019

This Week I Learned -

* The secret behind Azure Ultra Disk performance is the direct connection between a VM and its storage. Unlike other storage solutions in Azure, Ultra Disk avoids the overhead of REST APIs and load balancers by allowing reads and writes to go directly from operating systems kernels into storage servers where data lives.

* Not all SAP workloads support scale-out deployments. For example, to avoid complexity, management and performance considerations, many businesses prefer to use larger (and fewer) nodes for analytics workloads. Larger certified VM sizes mean larger scale-up environments. Google Cloud Platform now offers 6 and 12 TB VMs for SAP HANA instances.

* When SREs talk about reliability, SLOs tend to come up a lot. SLOs closer to 100% take greater effort to maintain, so choose your target wisely.

* A blameless culture means team members assume coworkers act with good intentions and seek technical solutions to human fallibility instead of demanding perfection from people.

* NBP, Pakistan’s largest government-owned bank, serves private and commercial customers and also acts as the government treasury bank. It adopted Google Cloud’s Apigee API management platform for using APIs to increase access

* Python 2 will sunset Jan 1, 2020. Python 3 was launched 11 years ago in 2008 and the original intention was to stop supporting it in 2015. Instagram moved to Python 3 from Python 2.7 amid much fanfare in 2017 with no issues for its 400 million daily users. Dropbox did a similar migration between 2015 and 2018. Python 2 is widely used in the finance industry and banks are not always the fastest to adapt. JPMorgan, runs its all-important Athena next generation pricing, risk management, analysis and trade management platform on Python 2.7. Goldman Sachs is using Python 3.6 in its open-sourced quant finance package.

* "The world is full of bloviators. And you find them in politics, and even religion, if I may say so, where somebody appoints themselves the spokesman for God....we have to be inventive to expose them, not to insult them, but simply to take what they say and expand on it to the point of ridicule" - Al Jaffee

* Yet another gem of a Mad Magazine "fold-in" - a transformable painting that originally mocked lavish centerfolds in magazines like National Geographic and Playboy and later became the inimitable Al Jafee's calling card. From scratch to finish, it takes two weeks.
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