#Netizens - my comic strip series

I feel cartoons are a great way to express your thoughts and anger without getting into trouble...at least most of the time.

A good cartoon is like a sugar coated pill, it can make bitter things palatable.

I have a lot of cartoon ideas but most of them just stay in my head due to lack of time & mainly laziness to draw.

Back in July, I read about a promising & nifty comic generator on Twitter and got hooked, line and sinker.

Comicgen is a free comic generator from the good folks at Gramener. It allows you to create you own stories & cartoon strips with configurable emotions, angles & poses for a bunch of pre-built characters. New features are constantly being added.

Comic strips can be built with HTML code or even more easily in PowerPoint.

As most of my cartoon ideas deal with millennials who are digital natives for whom the Internet is like food and air, I'm calling the comic strip series #Netizens

View what I have created so far as a  slide show or individually by clicking on a link below:
  1. A True Movie Buff
  2. The Flying Vampires
  3. Cracking CAPTCHA
  4. Digital Detox
  5. Compromised by Unsecured Databases
  6. Bluetooth Earbuds
  7. The Physical World is Meaningless
  8. Turning Forgetful
  9. Blog Your Fine Thoughts | an older MS Paint drawn version
  10. Swim to Work
  11. Alexa vs Humans
  12. Workout didn't work out
  13. Meditation \ Yoga Nidra
  14. Dieting through Distractions
  15. Power Bank | Older version
  16. Bingeing
  17. Too Dumb To Be Bad
  18. Obesity Warnings We Don't Want To See
  19. Attention Seeker
  20. Assisted Walking
  21. Cars Have Feelings Too | Related - I'm not bad...just misunderstood
  22. Thinking Things Through
  23. Big Deal
  24. Whatsapp Break
  25. Smart-ass Appliances
  26. The Machines Have Taken Over
  27. Tripping down the Wikipedia Rabbit Hole
  28. Contrarian
  29. Just Another Day In Bangalore
  30. Omelette
  31. Touché 
  32. Screen Time
  33. Freak Weather
  34. Games People Play
  35. It's Always Freak Weather
  36. Fight Club
  37. Near Death Experience
  38. Low Standards
  39. Selfie stick
  40. A Badge for Binge Watching
  41. Noisy Neighbours
  42. Lockdown
  43. Immunity Booster
  44. Flatten the Curve
  45. Same Planet, Different Worlds
  46. Go Digital
  47. Victim
  48. Tripping down the History Rabbit Hole
  49. Snob
  50. The Joy Of Science
  51. Treated Like Family
  52. Non sequitur
  53. Buzzkill
  54. Bad Connection
  55. Overzealous Parents 
  56. Browser Tabs
  57. Fake News is Big Business
  58. Español 
  59. Mask
  60. Artful Dodger
  61. Nice, but is it Art?
  62. Fake news trumps real news
  63. Uncertainty
  64. Sound Alerts
  65. Virtual Reality
  66. Vanity Fare
  67. Kung flu
  68. The Chronic Excuse Maker 
  69. Every day is April Fool's Day
  70. The Weird gets Weirder
  71. Drone to Couch Food Delivery
  72. Gaming the System
  73. Nag, nag, nag
  74. Addicted
  75. WhatsApp Forwards
  76. The Show Must Go On
  77. Self-destructive Earth
  78. No Free Lunch
  79. The Fix
  80. Braggart
  81. The World in the Whale
  82. Addiction
  83. Big Brother
  84. The Masochist and the Chaos Monkey Drone
  85. The Hobby Programmer
  86. The Sound of Music
  87. The Lazy Man Who Lives On The Internet
  88. Impulsive Buying
  89. Love Thy Neighbour's YouTube Channel
  90. Comparison Shopping
  91. Technology can solve ALL problems
  92. Hunt the Hunters
  93. The Life-savers that Politicians can't do without 
  94. Trollsourcing
  95. Utopia almost
  96. Betting Bot Blooper
  97. Only The News You Like
  98. App Crazy
  99. Levels of Hell
  100. Finally, A Car For The Easily Distracted
  101. Been there, done that
  102. Going Old School
  103. Great Expectations
  104. Slice of a Data Analyst’s Life
  105. Excuses
  106. Anger Management
  107. Mad Scientists


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