This Week I Learned - Week #43 2019

This Week I Learned -

* High Scale VMs that leverage Azure Premium Storage have a multi-tier caching technology called BlobCache. BlobCache uses a combination of the Virtual Machine RAM and local SSD for caching. By default, this cache setting is set to Read/Write for OS disks and ReadOnly for data disks hosted on Premium Storage.

* Memory optimized VM series like Intel based Es_v3 series or AMD based Eas_v3 series offer high virtual CPU (vCPU) to memory ratio at a very low cost.

* Majority of the OLTP workloads today come with 10 to 1 ratio for read and write

Azure Ultra disks deliver high throughput (up to 2,000 MiB/s), high IOPS (up to 160,000), and consistent low latency disk storage for Azure IaaS VMs. Some additional benefits of ultra disks include the ability to dynamically change the performance of the disk, along with your workloads, without the need to restart your virtual machines (VM). Ultra disks are suited for data-intensive workloads such as SAP HANA, top tier databases, and transaction-heavy workloads. Ultra disks can only be used as data disks.

* Heirloom automatically refactors mainframe applications’ code, data, job control definitions, user interfaces, and security rules to a cloud-native platform on AWS.

When you move beyond running a couple of containers and need to be able to control multiple containers that are running in production with resilience and high availability, then you need to start looking at using an orchestrator.

Adult websites push ads through WebSocket so ad blockers don't detect them

* Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools generate an inventory report of all open source components in your products, including all direct and transitive dependencies.

* The average professional spends 28% of the work day reading and answering email, according to a McKinsey analysis. For the average full-time worker in America, that amounts to a staggering 2.6 hours spent and 120 messages received per day - HBR

* Connecting the circulatory system of old and young mice (parabiosis) is documented to have rejuvenating effects on cells, tissues, organs, and functions.

* Canola oil is extracted from the seeds of the canola plant. Most of the misinformation about canola oil’s potential adverse health effects stem from the rapeseed plant (from which the canola plant was bred) because its oil contains high levels of erucic acid, which can be toxic to humans. The canola plant was created by the plant breeding of the rapeseed, but the resulting oil has very little erucic acid. Another common concern with canola oil (and vegetable oils in general) is that they’re extracted with hexane which can be toxic to humans. However, the amount of hexane ingested when cooking with or eating canola oil is much lower than the daily intake from other sources, such as inhaled gasoline fumes. Therefore, the trace levels of hexane in canola oil, and other vegetable oils, aren't likely to cause health concerns. It’s also critical to note that canola oil is typically refined, which removes some of its nutrients, such as essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. Most studies that found benefits related to heart disease and cholesterol used unrefined canola oil, which is similar to extra virgin olive oil - Go Ask Alice!

* Raffinose is a trisaccharide composed of galactose, glucose, and fructose. It can be found in beans, cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, other vegetables, and whole grains. Raffinose can be hydrolyzed to D-galactose and sucrose by the enzyme α-galactosidase (α-GAL), an enzyme not found in the human digestive tract.

* The body does not digest and absorb some carbohydrates in the small intestine because of a shortage or absence of certain enzymes. This undigested food then passes from the small intestine to the large intestine where bacteria break down the food, producing gas. The most common symptoms of gas are flatulence, abdominal bloating and digestive discomfort. In essence, the body lacks the enzymes needed to break down the carbohydrates found in some gassy foods like vegetables, beans, grains, cereals, nuts, seeds and whole-grain breads.

* Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called aldosterone to help the body regulate blood pressure.

* Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber.

* As a language-based disorder, dyslexia affects areas of the brain that process language, which makes tasks such as reading, writing, and spelling difficult.

* According to Coursera, 46% of learners who wait more than an hour to begin never make it past the first lecture. It urges beginners to "Start strong"!

Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious. It involves ideas that may not be obtainable using only traditional step-by-step logic. The term was promulgated in 1967 by Edward de Bono.

* A modesty panel is a thin board of wood or metal that is attached to the front of a desk, drafting table, electronic organ, or similar item.

* "Force Majeure" delves into the disconnection and dissonance that happens when personal occupations, habits, anxieties and phones take the place of communication and empathy within a family.

* Swedish sensor, software and autonomous technologies player Hexagon AB acquired Intergraph on 2010. It's only R&D centre is in Hyderabad.

* According to the Walmart CEO, on an average, it currently takes more than 45 permits & 3 years to open a BestPrice store.

Approximately, 3.5 billion Indian movie tickets are sold worldwide annually (compared to Hollywood’s 2.6 billion tickets sold annually) and over 1,800 Indian feature films are produced annually.

Nathuram Godse was steadfastly opposed to religious obscurantism and caste privilege and sought social and political equality for all Indians in the mould advocated by his mentor, Veer Savarkar. Savarkar coined the term Hindutva.

* According to, "Customers in Bihar" have given a 4.5 star rating for Horlicks. "By customer groups & interests” shows how a specific group of customers rated this product. Customers are assigned based on several factors including past purchases, shipping addresses, and Amazon program memberships.


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