Top Computer Vision Platforms

Forrester evaluated the emerging market for computer vision platforms and identified the 11 most significant providers in the category

Leaders: Google, Microsoft, Clarifai, and AWS
Strong Performers: IBM, Deepomatic, Hive, Chooch AI, and Neurala
Contenders: SAS and EdgeVerve

Clarifai offers military-grade computer vision that nearly all other vendors can't match.

Deepomatic is the best fit for developing a custom physical-world  Computer Vision (CV) solution.

Chooch AI is the best fit if you want a cloud model that recognizes as much as possible with low latency. It can recognize roughly 160,000 types of objects and concepts in images and video at high speed.

Neurala is the best fit for CV on edge devices with highly limited processing power — making them uniquely well suited for smart devices, robotics, drones, and industrial machinery use cases.

Google Cloud CV solutions offer automated medical imagery analysis for radiologist assistance

Google isn't offering tools that identify individuals in images and video (beyond a heavily restricted celebrity recognition model) due to the potential ethical risks.


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