This Week I Learned - Week #7 2020

This Week I Learned -

* Azure SQL Data Warehouse is now Azure Synapse Analytics. Azure Synapse is a limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics.

* Azure Service Fabric (SF) came out of Microsoft as it's internal product. SF powers Microsoft Azure. Most of the Azure services in one way or another run on top of Service Fabric. This includes Cosmos DB, Event Hubs, Service Bus, SQL Server, Azure Functions just to name a few you definitely know. Even some parts of Kubernetes' Azure offering (AKS) run on top of Service Fabric. That's funny, considering AKS is supposed to be an alternative platform. Even Azure Container Instances which are lightweight ways to run containers in the cloud without the need of a heavy orchestrator, are powered by SF.

* If you can’t draw it, you can’t build it. To come up with a “First Cut” of the Cloud Capability Model suitable for your organization, avoiding using named technologies to avoid challenges from individuals who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
By socialising the “First Cut”within your organisation, people can begin to prepare for the changes that are coming and understand the larger context that surrounds their specific area.
* The easiest way to show responsive images is with SVG images. Since they’re vector-based, SVGs don't rely on screen resolution. The srcset attribute points to a list of alternative image files, along with properties defining when the browser should use each of them. The 1x tells the browser to display illustration-small.png on standard-resolution screens. The 2x means that illustration-big.png is for retina screens. Older browsers that don’t understand srcset fall back to the src attribute.
< img src="illustration-small.png" />
srcset='images/illustration-small.png 1x,
              images/illustration-big.png 2x'
       style='max-width: 500px'/>

* To show a Base64 image, adapt the following src attribute value -
< img src="data:image/png;base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUA
        9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" alt="Red dot" />

* To embed an image in Google Drive on another website, access the image through this URL pattern -{Image_ID}

* To force closed captions to appear on videos from YouTube that are embedded elsewhere, append
&cc_load_policy=1 to the URL

* The third-largest number of active developers on GitHub are Indians

* The Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) option of Azure Storage by itself may not protect your data against a regional disaster where multiple zones are permanently affected. For protection against regional disasters, Microsoft recommends using geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS), which uses ZRS in the primary region and also geo-replicates your data to a secondary region.

* A 2018 survey commissioned by LinkedIn found that 80 percent of working American adults worry about the upcoming workweek on Sundays. This experience has been called the Sunday scaries, Sunday evening feeling and Sunday syndrome. The end of a weekend presents stressful questions about whether full advantage of having two days off has been taken. It's a mix of ‘Have I been productive enough?’ and ‘Have I relaxed enough?’. The Sunday scaries are about feeling an overwhelming sense of pressure—to perform well at work and thus pursue or maintain financial stability, as well as to keep up other everyday responsibilities. Burnout and the anxiety that accompanies it are so much about living under our current iteration of capitalism and about class insecurity. Work (side gigs included) bleeds into nights and weekends for many people. One strategy to overcome this feeling is to strategically schedule movies, museum visits, and walks in the park when the scaries typically set in  - The Atlantic

* One in three Chinese are short-sighted (meaning that distant objects appear blurry). Globally over one in five are. In 2018 an official survey of 1m Chinese schoolchildren found that among those aged between 12 and 14, 72% had myopia, up from 58% in 2010. Spending more time outdoors and avoiding reading when supine are some tips to prevent myopia - The Economist

* The decline in death due to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is said to be attributable to having babies sleep in the supine position. It is believed that in the prone position babies are more at risk to re-breathe their own carbon dioxide - Wikipedia
Woke is a slang term that is easing into the mainstream from some varieties of a dialect called African American Vernacular English (sometimes called AAVE). In AAVE, awake is often rendered as woke, as in, “I was sleeping, but now I'm woke.” 'Woke' is increasingly used as a byword for social awareness.

Leo Tolstoy was an inveterate quitter. All his life, he gave up the things that mattered to him, or tried to. He bolted from university without a degree, left the army, renounced the privileges of aristocracy. He rejected the Orthodox church and abjured fiction as a vanity. He forswore the libertinism of his youth, and—eventually—fled his tortured marriage, in the fatal escape that ended at the railway station in Astapovo. It was in the agonising marriage that he produced “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina” - The Economist

* James Joyce called the short story "How Much Land Does a Man Require?" by Leo Tolstoy, "the greatest story that the literature of the world knows".

Prime Focus Technologies (PFT), which provides subtitling services for 13 languages, worked on 40,000 hours of subtitling last year, an increase of 50% as compared to the previous year. It has an in-house team of 350-400 professionals, and recruited 800-900 freelancers last year. Streaming platforms have clear guidelines for subtitles, with some preferring two or three-line subtitles in a single frame and others wanting their speakers identified. The highest demand is for subtitles in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada and Malayalam.


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