This Week I Learned - Week #19 2020

This Week I Learned -

Container support in Azure Cognitive Services allows developers to use parts of a subset of Azure Cognitive Services APIs that are available in Azure

For agent-based migration, Azure Migrate appliance is not mandatory. It is only required if you want server assessment before migration.

* In the last three years, Cognizant has moved from being a Niche Player to Challenger and now Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Public Cloud Infrastructure Professional and Managed Services, Worldwide 2020

* A subtype of AI, deep neural networks or DNNs can identify important lesions missed by gastroenterologists during endoscopy and colonoscopy. Deep learning and other forms of AI have also been applied to predict clinical outcomes from electronic health records (EHRs), promote patient safety using machine-vision monitoring, process massive datasets from genome sequencing, provide immediate patient-generated data feedback and synthesize notes from patient–doctor visits.

* Although the perceived higher regard for privacy in the United States and tighter regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) might seem to be an advantage,
there have been extensive data breaches among US health insurers and health systems, numbering over 190 million health records in the past decade—more than 59% of the records for the entire US population - It takes a planet [PDF]

Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) is a Microsoft proprietary SSL-based solution that can penetrate firewalls since most firewalls open the outbound TCP port that 443 SSL uses.

* OpenVPN is a SSL-based solution that can penetrate firewalls since most firewalls open the outbound TCP port that 443 SSL uses.

* IKEv2 VPN is a standards-based IPsec VPN solution that uses outbound UDP ports 500 and 4500 and IP protocol no. 50. Firewalls do not always open these ports, so there is a possibility of IKEv2 VPN not being able to traverse proxies and firewalls.

* To play an Amazon Prime Video at 1.4x speed (as that video player feature isn't available unlike in YouTube), try this in the Console of browser Dev Tools -
document.querySelectorAll('video').forEach((e) => e.playbackRate = 1.4)
document.querySelector('video').playbackRate = 1.4

Making a case for captioning videos, 3Play Media presents these stats -
- 60% of those who have hearing loss are either in the workforce or in an educational setting.
- 80% of people who use captions aren’t deaf or hard of hearing.

Interactive transcript is a time-synchronized transcript of a video that highlights as the words in the video are being spoken. 3Play Media uses automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with human editing to deliver captions, subtitles, and transcripts.

* In Noida, Uttar Pradesh, not having the Aarogya Setu app has been made a punishable offence. Aarogya Setu was developed by the National Informatics Centre to help contact-tracing of at-risk individuals in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. The app does bluetooth-based contact tracing.

In 2014, queen Beatrix abdicated the throne to her son, King Willem-Alexander. Queen’s Day thus became King’s Day and would be celebrated on 27th April instead of 30th

* Bugs studied during legitimate experiments in laboratories have escaped in the past. SARS, a virus that killed 774 people in 2002-03, slipped out of a lab in Beijing twice in 2004. Foot-and-mouth disease, which required the culling of 6m animals in Britain in 2001, caused £8bn ($11.5bn) of damage. America suffered 34 laboratory-acquired infections in 2000-09, resulting in four deaths. There are now around 70 “biosafety level-four” sites—designed to deal with fatal diseases lacking a cure or vaccine—in 30 countries. America has over a dozen. China has two, one at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - Economist

* Instead of killing bat cells as the virus does with human cells, the MERS coronavirus enters a long-term relationship with the host, maintained by the bat's unique 'super' immune system

* A good apology has three components -
- Show regret about the impact of your past behavior - No “I’m sorry if …” or defending our motives
- Take responsibility in the present.
- Describe how you plan to improve in the future.
Apologizing seems to be less of a problem in cultures with stronger norms of collectivism or politeness. In Japan, one company apologized for a train departing 20 seconds early.  - NYT

* Cats spend a third of their awake time of eight hours, grooming themselves. They walk and run on their toes, not their feet. Also, instead of a left-right or right-left movement, they move both left legs or both right legs simultaneously.

* Together with Warren Hastings,  Robert Clive was one of the key early figures setting in motion what would later become British India.  Changes caused by Clive to the revenue system and existing agricultural practices, to maximize profits for the East India Company, led to the Bengal Famine of 1770 and increased poverty in Bengal. A proportion of the loot of Bengal went directly into Clive's pocket. The historian William Dalrymple has called Clive an "unstable sociopath". Questioned about some of the large sums of money he had received while in India, Clive pointed out that they were not contrary to accepted company practice, and defended his behaviour by stating "I stand astonished at my own moderation" given opportunities for greater gain.

* Goa celebrates 15th Aug with the rest of the nation but it has its own special independence history: on 18th  Dec 1961, Operation Vijay,  resulted in the unconditional surrender of Portuguese forces on the following day And 19th  Dec became Goa’s “Liberation Day”.

* The Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha is the only authorized unit to make the Indian Flag in 9 different sizes for specific occasions.

April 2020 issue of Sovereign Gold Bonds (issue price - Rs. 4589) saw the highest ever subscription since the October 2016 issue (issue price - Rs. 2957) - Mint


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