What does Amazon NOT sell?

While reading a comic strip on The Nib, I came across a funny  reference to a dosimeter - a device that detects and measures radiation. It was funny because being exposed to radiation is improbable unless you live in the neighborhood of a nuclear plant or any source of radioactive material. But then again, if a nano-virus can appear out of nowhere and hold the world to ransom, anything is possible!

I realized I had a acquired a variety of gadgets over the years and especially during this continuing Covid scourge - non-contact infrared thermometer, oxymeter and what not; but I don't yet own a dosimeter.

I naively assumed a dosimeter or a Geiger counter is a specialized gadget that will be expensive & irrelevant to the general population. I checked on Amazon nevertheless. 

Not only are there numerous brands for a dosimeter but they have numerous reviews too!

I also found in the cross-selling search results a digital noise dosimeter, a tool for noise pollution monitoring. If you're the kind that has been journaling these Plague years and recording for future reference the behavior of your neighbors and society during in the tumultuous 2020s - this is a gadget you'll need.

I now wonder, what does Amazon NOT sell?


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