Read Aloud feature in Immersive Reader now supports Telugu

Like many Indians, I learnt to read, write and speak three languages while at school. I know them enough to do well in exams and stay out of trouble.

I could not study my mother tongue formally though I use it everyday. I keep looking for ways to improve my knowledge through self-learning and I'm thrilled that the Read Aloud feature in Immersive Reader now supports Telugu.  

This feature is available currently in Word Online (View > Immersive Reader) through pleasant female and male (possibly) neural voices - "Shruti", "Mohan". Like Siri or Alexa, they have a distinct style. 

I like the fact that I can read content with configurable text (Karaoke-style) & voice settings or listen to "it" while I finish my chores.

I hope the Read Aloud feature supports Telugu within the Immersive Reader in the Edge browser too, soon. 
