Search IMDb Boomarklet

I love Boomarklets. Over the years, I have collected & used more bookmarklets than my Bookmarks bar in my desktop browser can accommodate in direct view. Boomarklets save time by reducing the number of steps it would otherwise take to accomplish a task such as sorting and filtering a column in a table on an external web page as the original table doesn't have that feature. 

I fell into a bookmarklet rabbit hole recently and found two interesting bookmarklets in the Wikipedia entry for Boomarklets. The first bookmarklet performs a Wikipedia search on any highlighted text in a web browser window and takes you directly to the corresponding Wikipedia entry (if the keyword is meaningful, otherwise it shows the search results). Alternatively, you can click on the bookmarklet and provide the keyword you want to search for through prompt box that shows up.

Drag this link to the Bookmarks bar or Favorites bar in Chrome or Edge to see how it works - Wikipedia Search

Impressed with this, I tweaked the Wikipedia Search bookmarklet to make it work for IMDb, the site for movie buffs.

If you encounter the name of a movie or film personality, this bookmarklet Search IMDb can help you jump to the respective IMDb entry with fewer steps. I've shared the code on Github if you'd like to improve or customize.

I learnt from another example bookmarklet on Wikipedia that web pages can be archived on-demand by netizens. 

How do you feel when a link to a valuable article you've saved disappears? Dead links roil me.

Thankfully Wayback Machine has come to my rescue countless times as it has smartly archived the web page for posterity. 


I may not use this often but I love the feature.

It is unfortunate that bookmarklets don't get as much attention as browser extensions.


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